
Showing posts from April, 2020

Work and Energy

Work -                   "Work is done by a force only when this force ,acting on a body,produces some displacement of the body in its own direction." Factors affecting the work done-                                                                          The work done by a given force depends on two factors: amount of force applied. displacement of the object produced by the applied force.      Energy-                   When we come home after playing,we are tired.We do not feel like doing anything.In other words,our capacity to do work has decreased.When we take some refreshment,we feel active and energetic again.In other words,our capacity to do work has increased.we consider the capacity to do work as energy.Thus,energy is the capacity to do work.              It is energy,stored in arm muscles,that enables a player to throw a ball.The energy ,stored in a battery,enables a radio to play music,or a toy car to move.The player uses the energy,stored in he